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We offer a child-centered and developmentally appropriate program for 6 weeks through 12 year old children. QRT has chosen to implement the play-based learning framework of Creative Curriculum® for Preschool. Creative Curriculum® is a comprehensive system of learning based on research and knowledge regarding all areas of child development – social/emotional, physical, cognitive, and language.
The teachers use their own experiences, as well as the children’s interests, to adapt the curriculum to be unique to each QRT class. Classroom observations and assessments become important tools for the teachers to communicate with parents.
Play allows children to learn about the world and themselves. As children play, they learn new skills, develop coping mechanisms, test new ideas, and master their bodies. Creative Curriculum® for Preschool provides extensive guidance for teachers in the content areas of literacy, math, science, social skills, and the arts. As children make choices about where to play in the classroom, they are learning a variety of skills. For example, building with blocks promotes material exploration, as well as spatial planning, symbolic representation, dramatic play, and social interactions. In art, teachers emphasize the process rather than the finished product. As children use art materials, they are planning and carrying out a task and using symbols to represent their ideas.
Our play-based curriculum offers children many opportunities for positive interactions with other children and adults. We treat each child with respect and reinforce his/her value as an individual and as a unique member of the QRT family.


Our preschool program really is the best of everything a curriculum should offer!  Our program features thematic units, teacher-directed instruction both in large and small groups, hands-on learning centers, and traditional paper and pencil learning activities.  QRT teachers encourage and support active learning and exploration. At QRT, learning is engaging and fun!

Our curriculum focuses on eight content areas: Approaches to Learning, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development and Health, Language, Literacy and Communication, Mathematics, Creative Arts, Science and Social Studies.

QRT preschool activities are centered around hands-on experiences. While having fun, we include exposure to:

  • Alphabet and Number Recognition

  • Phonetics

  • Math Activities

  • Vocabulary Development

  • Reading and Writing Skills

  • Critical Thinking Skills

  • Sequencing and Classifying

  • Fine and Gross Motor Activities

  • Art and Science Activities

  • Music and Dance

  • Foreign Language

We also include activities that:

  • Develop healthy habits for life

  • Reduce anxiety and stress

  • Boost self-esteem



QRT holds fundraising events to earn money for specific improvement, field trips or classroom equipment. These fundraisers will be outlined in written communication. We request that families participate in these events and, in so doing, promote community spirit and financially support our high-quality program.

Some fundraisers included: TJ’s Pizza, Family Picnic, Family Fun Day, Silent Auction, Avon, Old Town Donuts, Scholastic Book Fair, Restaurant Nights and etc. 

Please feel free, in lieu of participating in the fundraising events, to make a one-time tax-deductible donation to QRT. We will be happy to provide you with all the necessary paperwork to submit with your annual taxes.  

Summer Camp (Camp GEM Fit -CGF)

CGF is from June through September. We have an excellent Summer Camp Program filled with lots of fun and special events throughout the summer. We will focus on physical challenges, as well as large-motor and team-building activities, keep students fit and healthy, setting them on a path to:

  • Developing healthy habits for life

  • Reducing anxiety and stress

  • Boosting self-esteem

Please contact us by phone or e-mail to set up your interview. We look forward to meeting you and your child and welcoming you to our QRT family!

Family Handbook: FAQ


Queen’s Royal Treasures EDU-FIT Childcare & Learning Center

Healthy Eating Policy

At Queen’s Royal Treasures, we support children’s healthy eating by:

  • Role-modeling positive behaviors by eating only healthy foods in the presence of the children.

  • Gently encouraging children to try healthy foods and giving positive reinforcement when they do.

  • Observing and supporting hunger and fullness cues. Serving only healthy foods and beverages that meet best practice recommendations.

  • Children are required to bring their own water bottles so water can always be made visible and available to them indoors and outdoors.

  • Providing nutrition education for our staff at least one time per year.

  • Refraining from using food as a reward or punishment.

  • Sitting with children at the table and eating the same meals and snacks.

  • Encouraging, but not forcing, children to eat healthy

Physical Activity Policy

We support physical activity by:

  • Children are offered 120 minutes are more of physical activity in an 8-hour day. This can be both structured and unstructured physical activity.

  • Providing outdoor time daily. Children will go outside during the recommended temperature levels per licensing.

  • Role-model positive behaviors by being physically active with the children, both indoors and outdoors.

  • Encourage all children to try new physical activities and respond positively when they do.

  • Share our own positive experiences with physical activity and facilitate conversations with the children about their experiences.

  • Provide fun, engaging physical activity daily in our lesson plans.

  • Always make equipment safe and accessible in the classroom  (e.g. soft balls, push-pull toys, tunnels, balance beam, etc.).

  • Not use physical activity as punishment.

  • Redirect children to safe physical activities and/or involve them in discussions about what to do when safety issues or other concerns (e.g. mud, arguments over play equipment, etc.) arise.

  • While awake, infants and toddlers will not be in confining equipment for no more than 15 mins at a time (e.g. bouncy seats, swings, highchairs, cribs, etc.)

  • We welcome families to participant in our physical activities and special events.

Breastfeeding Policy

Breastfeeding is the normal way to feed a baby, providing many health benefits to both infant and mother. Because breastfeeding employees need ongoing support from childcare providers to provide their milk for their babies, Queen’s Royal Treasures subscribes to the following policy.

1. Breastfeeding mothers shall be provided a place to breastfeed or express their milk.

Breastfeeding mothers, including employees, shall be provided a private and sanitary place other than a bathroom, to breastfeed their babies or express milk. This area provides an electrical outlet, and comfortable chair, table or stand.

2. A refrigerator will be made available for storage of expressed breast milk.

Breastfeeding mothers and employees may store their expressed breast milk in the child care’s refrigerator. Mothers should provide their own containers, clearly labeled with name and date. The child care will follow guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in ensuring that breast milk is properly treated to avoid waste. Universal precautions are not required in handling human milk.

3. Sensitivity will be shown to breastfeeding mothers and their babies.

The child care is committed to providing ongoing support to breastfeeding mothers, including providing an opportunity to breastfeed their baby at any time, and holding off giving a bottle, if possible, when mom is due to arrive. Artificial baby milks (formula) and solid foods will not be provided unless the mother has requested. Babies will be held closely when feeding and bottles will never be propped. The child care facility feeds infants on demand and communicates with mothers about feeding preferences.

4. Staff shall be trained in handling human milk.

All childcare staff will be trained every year in the proper storage and handling of human milk, as well as ways to support breastfeeding mothers.

5. Breastfeeding employees shall be provided flexible breaks to accommodate breastfeeding or milk expression.

Breastfeeding employees shall be provided a flexible schedule for breastfeeding or pumping to provide breast milk for their children. The time allowed would not exceed the normal time allowed for lunch and breaks. For time above and beyond normal lunch and breaks, sick/annual leave must be used, or the employee can come in a little earlier or leave a little late to make up the time.

6. Breastfeeding promotion information will be displayed.

The child care will provide information on breastfeeding, including the names of area resources should questions or problems arise. In addition, positive promotion of breastfeeding will be on display in the facility. There are no advertisements of formula in the facility.

Family Handbook: Text



1451 Chambers Rd
Dellwood, Missouri 63135

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